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This is the Information Page for the WHOIS Feature 

WHOIS Command Overview

1. Overview
2. Keyword Overview
3. Record/ Field Types
4. Handles
5. Name
6 Mailbox
7. Domain
8. Person
9. Host
10. Organization
11. Server
12. All
13. Modifiers
14. Commands


1. Overview

WHOIS is a tool that is used to look up records in the NSI Registrar database. Each record within the NSI Registrar database has a "handle" (a unique identifier assigned to it), a name, a record type, and various other fields. The WHOIS service provides a means for searching on these specific fields.

To use WHOIS for a domain search, simply type in the domain you are looking for. This domain must be a second-level domain, for example "". Domains with a "www" or third-level domains like "" are not contained within WHOIS. The default action for WHOIS is to only search for domain records, however you can do other types of searches by using specific keywords.

If the domain you are searching for is not contained within the NSI Registrar WHOIS database, WHOIS will access the Shared Registry System and the WHOIS services of other remote Registrars to satisfy the domain name search.

The following description applies ONLY to the NSI Registrar Whois service and NOT to either the Shared Registry System or any other Registrars.

New WHOIS Keywords

With the release of WHOIS 3.0, several new keywords have been added. They are as follows:

LOCAL - Queries having this keyword consult only the NSI Registrar WHOIS database and do not go to the Shared Registry System or other Registrars.

ALL - This keyword performs a very broad search within the NSI Registrar WHOIS database very similar to the default query semantics of older versions of Network Solution's WHOIS.

2. Keyword Overview

WHOIS keywords fall into three categories; those that specify the record type, those that specify a field (records) to be searched, those that modify the interpretation of the input or tell the type of output to produce, and those that are commands. With so many records being available to search, it is advantageous to specify which type of record you are looking for so that WHOIS can present fewer, closer matches, and can also perform extra searches on fields specific to that record type fields not ordinary searched in a general lookup. The following keywords will help you narrow your search.

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3. Record / Field Types

These keywords tell WHOIS to restrict its search to only a certain field in the database, there are the following keywords (shown with their minimum abbreviation in all CAPS):

HAndle or '!'
NAme or leading '.'
Mailbox or contains '@'

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4. Handles

Each database record has a single field (its "handle") which uniquely identifies it. The handle is always shown in parenthesis following the record's name, which is always first thing shown as is shown below.

The "JQP13" is the handle.

To guarantee matching only a single record, you can look it up by its handle with a handle-only search by using a leading "!" or by using the Handle keyword. For individuals, the handle is usually composed of the person's initials plus a trailing number to make it unique (if necessary).

Handles for other types of records are created to be similar to their record type, for example, "NSOL-ORG", "WNIC15-HST", and "NETSOL3-DOM". Note that these records can be found by using their handles and by using a record-type search.

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5. Name

Most records, be they for domains, individuals, machines, or organizations will have a name field. Those that do not have a name field will display "[No name]" in their record output. This keyword searches the name field of the Domain, Host, Individual and Organization records of the NSI registrar WHOIS. For individuals, the name is in last-first order. For example:

Public, John
Public, John Q.

Other records typically have name fields like:

Smith College
Smith & James Co.

You may also specify any part of a name up to a space or comma and it will match everything starting with that target. For example, "Public" would match all of the above records, "Public, John" would find those people above and many more.

Don't forget about partial searches for use with name searches. A partial search on the name field is often what will find the record you're looking for.

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6. Mailbox

Mailbox is one of the fields routinely checked in a local search. You can limit your search to just the mailbox field by using the MAilbox keyword or by using an @ somewhere in the search string. For example, searches of "ma joe" or "joe@" would produce the same results - a list of mailboxes starting with joe@.

You may search for mailboxes any of three ways:

user@ - Looks for mailboxes with a username part of "user" on any host.

@host - Finds all mailboxes on host "host".  user@host - Looks for an exact mailbox match, user and host parts both.

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7. Domain

This keyword finds a domain record within the NSI registrar. It searches only the domain field of the domain record ("NSI.COM", "NETSOL.COM", etc.). That is, "DOM NSI" will find Network Solutions, Inc. with NSI.COM, Network Solutions, Inc. with NSI.NET, and The Neurosciences Institute with NSI.EDU. In this case, the user will see a list of matches locally. When a single match is found, the full display of information is shown. If you wish to search other fields in the domain record, begin the search with the keyword. For example, the search "NA DO Network Solutions" would present a list of domain records whose name begins with the string "Network Solutions".

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8. Person

This keyword searches the name, mailbox, and handle field of the Individual records of the NSI registrar. If you want to limit the search to a particular field, include that keyword in the search. For example, "MA PE joe" will search just the mailbox field in the individual records. Or, "HA PER dls20." will list individuals whose handle begins with "dls20".

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9. Host

This finds records for "hosts" within the NSI registrar. This search looks in the hostname, net-address, and domain fields. For example, "HOST RUTGERS" finds RUTGERS.EDU, NS1.RUTGERS.EDU, and PILOT.NJIN.NET.

10. Organization

This keyword searches the name, mailbox, and handle field of the Role or organizational records of the NSI registrar.

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11. Server

This keyword searches for the given name server (host) handle and reports all the domains served by that name server within the NSI registrar.

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12. All

This keyword performs a very broad search within the NSI Registrar WHOIS database very similar to previous version of WHOIS.

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13. Modifiers

This last class of keywords controls how WHOIS displays the results of a search within the NSI Registrar. They are as follows:

FULL or "=" - This gives a long display for each matching record, not just when there's only a single match.

LOCAL - Queries having this keyword consult only the NSI Registrar WHOIS database and do not go to the Shared Registry System or other Registrars.

PARtial (trailing "." or "*") - This will match targets starting with a given string.

SUMMary or "$" - For completeness, this always gives a summary line for each match, even if there's only one.

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14. Commands

OPTIONS or "?" - Prints a short help file.

VERSION - Prints the WHOIS daemon version string, and the date of the last database update.

HElp - Enters the help program for full WHOIS documentation.

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